Folder Audio Documents Icon
The Moonlight Icons
Commercial usage: Not allowed
Folder Documents Icon
Plastic Folders Icons
Realistic Icons
Commercial usage: Allowed
Folder My Documents Icon
Black Metal Desktop Icons
Documents Folder Icon
Stock Folder Icons 3
Folder Documents In Icon
Snow Black Icons
Folder Documents Out Icon
Stock Folder Icons
Folder Icon
Art Nouveau Icons
Folder Documents Compress Icon
Black Metal Folder Icons
Folder Documents Excel Icon
Folder Documents Word Icon
Documents Icon
Cephei Icons
Folder Open Icon
Muro Sccuro Folders Icons
Folder Document Icon
Enfi Icons
Muro Folders Icons 2
Muro Folders Icons
Numix Folders Icons
Muro Azzurro Folders Icons 2
iOS7 Style Icons
Alumin Folder Icons
BeautyFolds Icons
Muro Azzurro Folders Icons
Documents Shine Icon
Shiny Smooth Folders Icons
Smooth Folders Icons
Simply Folders Icons
Folder with Contents Icon
Ravenna 3D Icons
Mac Folders 2 Icons
Web 2 Icon Set