Edit Cut Icon
Tango++ Icons
Commercial usage: Allowed
Actions Edit Cut Icon
Human O2 Grunge Icons
Commercial usage: Not allowed
Human-O2 Icons
Dropline Neu Icons
Crystal Clear Icons
Glaze Icons
Discovery Icon Theme
Oxygen Icons
Crystal Project Icons
Edit Icon
XP Artistic Icons
Cut the Rope Icon
Lipse Greyscale Icons
Cut Icon
Mono General Icons 2
Vibrant Windows Icons
Flatastic Icons Part 1
Cut the Robe Icon
Hex Game Icons
TWG iPhone Toolbar Icons
Simply Pixel Icons
Funktional Icons
Free 3D Glossy Interface Icons
Edit Code Division Icon
Fugue 16px Additional Icons 2
Edit Family Icon
Edit Indent RTL Icon
Edit Lipsum Icon
Edit List Order RTL Icon
Edit List RTL Icon
Edit Outdent RTL Icon
Edit Style Icon
Lipse Icons