Facebook Icon
Extreme Grunge Social Icons
Commercial usage: Allowed
Classic Player Icon
Video Websites Player Icons
Commercial usage: Not allowed
Blawb Icons
Pretty Social Media Icons 2
Denim Social Icons
Pretty Social Media Icons
Tabs Color Social Icons
Black and White Social Icons
Touchit 4 Icons
Webtoolkit4.me Social Icons
Classic Spider Man Icon
Batman and Spider-Man Icons
Lances 32px Icons
Safari 4 Web Apps Icons
Social Bands Icons
Apple Mug Icon
Sleek Social Icons
Facebook 2 Icon
Social Networking Icons
Social Media Wood Icons
Polaroid Icon Set
Social.me Icons
Classic MobileMe Icon
MobileMe Icons
Social Media Icons
Social Hang Tag Icons
Simply Smooth Socials Icons
Codex Icons for Android
Folder Style Social Icons
Christmas Social Icons
Aquaticus Social Icons
Grungy Social Icons