Filesystems Mail Folder Inbox Icon
Oxygen Icons
Commercial usage: Allowed
Filesystems Mail Folder Outbox Icon
Filesystems Mail Folder Sent Icon
Filesystems Mail Message Icon
Send Mail Icon
Crystal Office Icon Set
Folder Closed Icon
Colorabo Icons
Commercial usage: Not allowed
Actions Edit Icon
Crystal Project Icons
Actions Edit Clear Icon
Actions Edit Copy Icon
Actions Edit Cut Icon
Actions Edit Delete Icon
Actions Edit Paste Icon
Actions Edit Shred Icon
Actions Edit Trash Icon
Actions Edit Add Icon
Actions Edit Group Icon
Actions Edit Picture Icon
Actions Edit Remove Icon
Actions Edit User Icon
Actions Mail App Icon
Actions Mail Delete Icon
Actions Mail Find Icon
Actions Mail Forward Icon
Actions Mail Foward Icon
Actions Mail Generic Icon
Actions Mail Get Icon
Actions Mail New Icon
Actions Mail New 3 Icon
Actions Mail Post To Icon
Actions Mail Post To 3 Icon